Little Kiwi and Bauhaus

Little Kiwi and Bauhaus
A Boy and His Dog

Monday, 11 October 2010

Solidarity - Visibility - Coming Out Day

Every day, showing people that you care about Equality. Just a thought ;-)


Bobby said...

I am curious...and wonder...though it is really none of my business...are you a fan of the books or are the books reflective of you?

I was doing a search on the books and came across your blog and it piqued my interest...

Thank you,


Bobby said...
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Bobby said...

I can't post anything that doesn't say I am "Bobby"....I don't understand but a good email is

Sorry for the confusion...

Little Kiwi said...

BOTH! The books changed my life, and my bestie has called me Little Kiwi for about a decade. Mordden is my god.

Oh, Cosgrove ARE you?!

Bobby said...

Thank you for sharing with me...I am quite a fan of the books as well and just attended a book discussion on the first one....

My name is actually, we have a very close relationship, don't we...LOL


Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus

Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus
Good Dog!