Little Kiwi and Bauhaus

Little Kiwi and Bauhaus
A Boy and His Dog

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Gay Literature - Get Reading it

My favourite series of novels is the Buddies Cycle by Ethan Mordden.  These books, and Mordden's work in general, was introduced to me by my best friend when I was a wee blonde-haired Gaybie back in 2000.  They changed my life; they changed my outlook on being a gay man.  They are largely responsible for my transition from being "OK" with being gay to "HELL YEAH!" about it.  I got my nickname "Little Kiwi" from a character in the books whom my friends agreed I was just like, as an 18 year old twink.
They are, in order, "I've a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore", "Buddies", "Everybody Loves You', "Some Men Are Lookers" and "How's Your Romance?".

They follow a family of gay friends in manhattan through the 1970s to the early 2000s. And they are without question the most glorious evocations of gay life and camaraderie that I have ever read.  You should check them out.  My ass says so.

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Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus

Little Kiwi Loves Bauhaus
Good Dog!